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February 19, 2006

Keep it up, Muslims

This video at California Conservative is freaking hilarious. The muslims bombed the world trade center, Spain, France, Indonesia, and more countries than you could count, and we're told it was Muslim "extremists". Now, they're all freaking out all over the world, killing people and bombing buildings over the Sunday Comics. So, I'm thinking they're all "extremists" if they think it makes sense to murder people over a comic strip.

American newspapers are, unfortunately, afraid to reprint the comics. Our own state department condemns Denmark instead of supporting free speech. Of course, Jesus Christ can be dipped in urine with government funds, and we just have to be tolerant. This video sums it all up nicely.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on February 19, 2006 at 09:25 AM


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