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February 18, 2006

Bryant Gumbel Plays the Race Card

From a Ku Klux Klan rally(photo above), HBO's Bryant Gumbel commented on the Winter Olympics:

"Count me among those who don't care about them and won't watch them...[snip]...So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world's greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention," said Gumbel.

Download video here.

So Gumbel wants to watch the "Chocolate Olympics", huh? Go figure. He likes white women so much he married one. But, of course, because he's black, he can say whatever he wants. It's a phenomenon called "soft racism" - lowered expectations for blacks because, presumably, they're not capable of controlling what they say.

Imagine if someone on CNN said commented the following on basketball games in the Summer Olympics:

"Count me among those who don't care about them and won't watch them. So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world's greatest athletes, despite a lack of whites that makes the Summer Games look like a Democratic convention," said XXXXXX.

The contest didn't matter because there weren't enough white players and that a basketball game had so many blacks that it looked like a Democratic fund-raiser? How would that sit with the MSM?

If he were white, like Jimmy the Greek, he'd be fired. Go here and tell HBO to hold Bryant Gumbel accountable for his racist views.

Predictably, his flagrantly racist comments are hardly being covered at all. So far, Zero coverage by Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds, or Little Green Footballs. There's been a few chinks in the media blackout though. See here, here, here, and here.

Update: There are a ton of irate posts on HBO's Real Sports forum.

Update 2: Instapundit observes that Gateway Pundit is on it. Also, FBIHOP, Wagner Communications, Grapevine's Ramblings, Insignificant Thoughts, and Expose The Left.

Update 3: Now posted at The Wide Awakes, Moonbattery, and The Wild Duck, and the Barking Moonbat Early Warning System.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on February 18, 2006 at 11:06 AM


I like how you make points the seem valid, but really don't make that much sense when you think about them.

For example, in the SUmmer Olympics, there is a much larger percentage of white olympians than black olympians in the Winter Olympics.

And sometimes when a person makes a mistake they *gasp* get a second chance. Like Howard Cossell with his "monkey" comment.

To say that Gumbel's comments are hardly being mentioned because the typical right-wing sites don't cover them is again ludicrous. They're too busy covering for Ann Coulter calling Muslims "ragheads". I notice that you didn't happen to mention that anywhere on your blog.

Posted by: LP on February 18, 2006 at 10:26 PM

I like how you make points the seem valid, but really don't make that much sense when you think about them.

You mean like this:

And sometimes when a person makes a mistake they *gasp* get a second chance. Like Howard Cossell with his "monkey" comment.

You know, seeing how the two (Gumbel's overt, unmistakeably intentional white racism and Cossell's racism-only-in-the-mind-of-those-who-equate-blacks-and-monkeys comment) are galaxies apart?

Posted by: Svigor on February 18, 2006 at 11:33 PM

white racism

Make that "anti-white racism." (though Gumbel does seem more white than black)

Posted by: Svigor on February 18, 2006 at 11:34 PM


You're just an idiot in idiot's clothing. I mean, I have no idea what your point is about the percentage of whites vs. blacks in the Summer Olympics. If you think that a white commentator could go on HBO and say there's so many blacks it looks like a Democratic convention, then you're just an unhinged left-wing moonbat. That's just absurd.

As far as Ann Coulter, last time I checked, she can say whatever she wants on her own time. I could care less what she says. I often don't agree with her opinions. However, this guy Gumbel was on air as a paid spokesman representing HBO when he made his comments (hence the HBO logo on his Klan robe.) HBO should fire him for espousing such openly racist views.

As for Howard Cosell, he had to apologize on-camera to keep his job. But I don't hear you calling for an apology by Gumbel. Is it because he's half-black?

You're obviously a victim of that old canard that a black person can't be a racist because he's black. You're a mindless dolt, and your muddled logic is the embodiment what's wrong with the politically correct Left Coast liberals.

Posted by: Peenie Wallie on February 19, 2006 at 04:28 AM

Your picture of the great prophet Bryantgumbel offends me. I will burn down your hosting service, and the hosting service of all web sites that dare to reproduce this blaphemous image.

Inshgumbel. HBO is a network of peace. Death to Fox News!

Posted by: Anonymous Gumblim on February 19, 2006 at 06:35 AM

I've been listening to all of you guys, actually, and I think the sum total of what you're all saying is that Donovan McNabb is regressing, is going backwards --

-- and my... I'm sorry to say this, I don't think he's been that good from the get-go. I think what we've had here is a little social concern. I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well.

Posted by: Rush Limbaugh on February 19, 2006 at 06:51 AM

As far as Ann Coulter, last time I checked, she can say whatever she wants on her own time. I could care less what she says. I often don't agree with her opinions. However, this guy Gumbel was on air as a paid spokesman representing HBO when he made his comments (hence the HBO logo on his Klan robe.) HBO should fire him for espousing such openly racist views.She wasn't on her own time -she was a featured speaker at the Conservative Action Political Conference.

What Gumbel said was stupid. I'm not arguing that. I'm arguing he isn't being racist, it was more a slip of the tongue the the mold of Cossell (and like Cossell, he is a very intelligent person with not much of a history of this, at least not that I can think of off the top of my head). Jimmy the Greek was just an idiot. We all kn kow this.

I thinkt he point htat GUmbel was trying to make, however badly he phrased it, was that since a large population of the countries don't participate, how can you say these are the greatest athletes in the world?

That said, I don't know anyone (except for NBC who has a bit of a vested interest) say these athletes are better than, say, a decathlete, or a pro football player.

Racist? Probably not. Incredibly stupid? Yes.

Posted by: LP on February 19, 2006 at 11:40 AM

Peenie, calling somebody an idiot makes you look like Ann Coulter.

It's a bit of a stretch to call this racist, but I understand why you are upset, he pointed out the racism of the GOP.

Posted by: Moon on February 19, 2006 at 02:01 PM

You people are such idiots. If someone white had said the the summer olympics had a "paucity of whites that made it look like a Democratic convention", thereby pointing out the racism of the Democrats, they'd be fired the same day. If you don't think so, then you're just delusional. To say his comments aren't racist is absurd. His comments are racist by definition, and you dolts are peddling "soft racism" - lowered expectations of blacks because they can't be held to the same standards as white commentators.

Posted by: Peenie Wallie on February 20, 2006 at 08:42 PM

If a white commentator said that, they woudl be fired - but for having no idea what they are talking about. Sports commentators have been asking for years why there aren't more white people in the NBA. Look through ESPN.com or CNN-SI's archives.

As for the summer olympics, anyone who says there is a lack of white people is an idiot. There are plenty of white, hispanic and arab people. Which makes the lack of the darker-colored races in the winter olympics seem even worse. But then again, most of the world has the facilities to participate in the summer olympics. Ain't many ice rinks in Ghana.

Posted by: LP on February 20, 2006 at 11:44 PM

If a white commentator said that, they would be fired not becuase they "had no idea what they were talking about". They would be fired because they were making racists comments. For instance, it's well documented that blacks have lower IQ's, lower standardized test scores, and commit more crime, on average, than whites. This is a fact. If a commentator mentioned this, he would be fired immediately. Not because it isn't true, but because it's racist and the politically correct protocol of modern speech doesn't allow for these type of objective race-based observations, regardless of their validity. I'm really surprised that you arent' aware of this. I don't doubt that commentators muse on why there aren't more blacks in the winter olympics. Such questions, in and of themselves, aren't politically incorrect. The conclusions are though. The only politically correct conclusion that can be drawn is that whites/olympics/GOP, etc, are racists. These are all politically acceptable conclusions.

But to come out and say that "there are too many blacks in the summer olympics" would get him fired immediately, regardless of whether or not the statement were true. There would be no further debate on the topic regarding it's validity, I can assure you.

Posted by: Peenie Wallie on February 21, 2006 at 05:23 AM

That's funny, because when Glenn Beck said worse things, and got a job at CNN.

Same with Bill Bennett.

Posted by: LP on February 23, 2006 at 01:06 PM

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