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September 23, 2005

Bad Idea Jeans

As a general rule, it's a bad idea to rob people at gun point in New York City. It's a supremely bad idea to intentionally rob the mafia at gunpoint, especially the heads of New York's organized crime families in their favorite hangouts.

The Uvas set out more than 12 years ago to solve their financial difficulties in a most unusual fashion: walking into mob social clubs with an Uzi submachine gun and separating the Mafiosi within from their ill-gotten gains.

The crime spree was predictably short-lived. They were killed in 1992 in one of the more public executions in the recent history of organized crime in New York. On Christmas Eve, in broad daylight on a busy Queens thoroughfare, they were each shot several times in the head as they sat in a car at a traffic light.

This reads like the script for one of Saturday Night Live's Bad Idea Jeans commercials.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on September 23, 2005 at 01:59 PM


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