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June 20, 2008

The Cry of the Red Fox

We have four different types of foxes in Colorado, but the most common one I see is the Red Fox. This time of year, they come trotting through, in the late afternoon, without even bothering to wait for dusk. They're pretty creatures, but if you have pets, well....let's just say they'd best be in the house when the fox comes calling.

In any event, I was out back drinking with one of my neighbors the other night and we heard this haunting exchange of wild calls in the darkness. It didn't help any that we were thoroughly inebriated, but it was just this wild, chilling call. And then another animal would answer it. It sounded a lot like this:


In the end, we decided that a mother fox had become separated from her kit. There's a lot more fox sound files on this site.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on June 20, 2008 at 11:35 PM

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