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May 18, 2008

Window Shopping the Internet


My neighbor bought an OLPC notebook recently, and showed it to this morning. I was surprised by how cool it look. It's green and white with a soft, durable almost Nerf-type plastic padding around it. Has a handle on it to carry it around. I think it's pretty slick looking. The screen turns around and folds down like a tablet PC, although there's no stylus on it. Of course, it's infected with a home-grown flavor of Unix called Sugar, which is sad, of course. Sad that we're not able to give the children access to the most popular O/S in the world. Of course, I'm referring to Windows XP. But, hold the phone. They just announced on Friday that they'll be shipping OLPC comptuers running Windows XP in June. So, there is hope.

Of course, the computer that I want in a big way is the Asus Eee PC 900 that just came out.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty much skint right now, so I'm not going to be snapping up an Asus any time soon. But I'm OK with this. I have a lot of computers. I need another one like I need a hole in my head. So for now, I'll just sit on my hands and read the reviews. I feel like I'm window shopping the internet.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on May 18, 2008 at 12:04 PM

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