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December 15, 2007

Nero: Not Enough Space To Burn

Long story short: My Windows desktop died, probably due to hard drive failure. So I replaced the hard drive, and did a fresh install of Windows XP SP2.

I installed Nero Sony Edition, which is what came in the box with my Sony DVD-R drive when I bought it three years ago.

When I try to copy a DVD-R, I get the following error message:

There is not enough space to burn this compilation onto this disc.
Please insert another disc that provides more space...

Both the source DVD-R and the target DVD-R are the same brand (TDK Print-On), and probably from the same spindle. So space on the disc cannot be an issue.

The source DVD-ROM drive -- according to Windows Device Manager -- is a Compaq DVD-ROM DRD8210B. The DVD-R drive is a Sony DVD RW DRU-710A. Both are using Microsoft's driver version 5.1.2535.0, dated 7/1/2001.

  • The firmware version of the Sony DVD-RW drive is BYX5.
  • The DVD-ROM drive, DVD-RW drive, and software worked fine before I re-installed Windows XP onto the new hard drive.
  • Earlier this year, I had upgraded the firmware on the DVD-ROM and DVD-RW drive, which solved a similar problem. (Maybe the same issue, I'll have to find my notes).
  • I was able to copy the DVD-R using my MacBook, so it's not a media or space issue
  • I'm sure I'll eventually be able to solve the problem. But as it's Saturday night, and I have other things to do right now than try to figure out why this is not working. A quick search hasn't turned up any working solutions for me. If anybody has any ideas, they'd be greatly appreciated.

    Note: In the screen shot above, it says that the disc type is "Empty" because once Nero ejects the disc a few seconds after displaying that message. Before it does that, it says the disc type is "DVD-R," but it goes by too fast to get a screen shot.

    UPDATE (January 2008): Applying the update at www.nero.com/eng/downloads-nero6-update.php resolved this problem.

    Filename Nero- (34 MB)

    If your download does not start, click here.

    More Details


    Release Date March 21, 2007

    File Size 34 MB (35.674.728 bytes)

    MD5 checksum bb90a8da50e64a8b248cc3ad31810f7d

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    Posted by Robert Racansky on December 15, 2007 at 06:37 PM

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