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July 30, 2007

European Camp Daddy

Jennifer and I leave for Dublin tomorrow. It's one of those rare occasions where I'm not working and she's not in school so I figured we should make the best of it and get out of the country for a while. She's really excitied because she's never been to Europe.

I asked her earlier this year where she wanted to go for her half-birthday, and she chose Ireland. She was telling me she wanted to see Waterford and Cork and the Dingle Peninsula. And I'm like..."Are you on crack? We're not even Irish. We're German. And English, I think."

Apparently she became enamored with the Emerald Isle after taking Irish step dancing lessons from one of those River Dance gypsies. Later, she did a school report on the country and the fix was in.

"Well, we could go France and see Paris and London."

"London isn't in France. It's in England" I complained.

"Did they move it?" She asked.

"No. It's always been in England. What's wrong with you?"

So, in any event, she turned nine and a half a month ago, and we're finally getting around to going to Ireland. Unfortunately, it's a LONG way from Denver to Ireland. Plus, we have a layover in Philly. So, we'll be flying for like 96 hours, I figure.

I went and got her some surprises today to help pass the time on the plane. I bought donuts for breakfast, and lots of candy and snacks for the flight. Plus, to make the time on the plane pass a little faster, I got her a pink Nintendo DS and some games for it.

Driving in Ireland should be interesting, as they drive on the wrong side of the road over there. Plus, I've rented a car with a manual transmission, which means I'll have get used to shifting with the other hand. Should be fun. Jennifer is not very confident that I'll be able to swing it. We'll see.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on July 30, 2007 at 12:26 AM


I got her a pink Nintendo DS

To match your new shirt?

Posted by: Robert R. on July 30, 2007 at 08:22 PM

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