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May 06, 2007

Global Warming Strikes The Rockies!

Photo by Rob Kiser Copyright Sunday, May 6, 2007 in Jefferson County, Colorado. Image captured with Canon EOS 20D, Canon 17-85 mm IS USM telescopic zoom lens, Canon Speedlite 580EX flash, circular polarizing filter. ISO=400, Aperture = f4.0, Shutter Speed = 1/60 second.

This global warming thing is really kicking us in the shins this year. The power was out three days last week and we lost about 40 trees out back. I wish Al Gore would get serial and solve this whole global warming nightmare. It snowed hard most of the day. It was one of those slushy wet Spring snows, so the power went on and off all day. My Dish network isn't working. My Wispertel internet access wasn't working for most of the day. But, right now, the stars have aligned just so, and the internet is working and the power is on and all is right with the world. In the photo above, Jennifer and Allie demonstrate their solidarity today with the global-warming-alarmist snowman in the front yard.

In all seriousness, the global warming advocates say that there will, in fact, be cold days. So, this is just noise in the data. That's brilliant. So, basically what they're saying is that it's getting warmer, and the fact that we're breaking records all winter long for snowfall and cold temperatures doesn't mean that the planet isn't getting warmer. So, basically then, there's no way to disprove their logic. They believe that it's getting warmer, and the fact that is isn't getting warmer doesn't matter. That's not science. That's theology. Global Warming isn't even "junk science". It doesn't rise to that level. At best, it's a cult.

Update: The apologists at Climate Feedback point out that the shrill eco-terrorists of the "venerable New York Times" are clearly and demonstrably incorrect as the Gray Lady persistently foments ecological revolution with inchoate musings and ill-informed banter on climate change.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on May 06, 2007 at 08:45 PM


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