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May 07, 2007

Fred Speaks

Run Fred, Run! Here's Fred Thompson's stump speech.

"So I ask you, even though we won't be going around in the woods to find any bears to kill, sometimes the bear visits you, whether you're looking for him or not. And when that time comes, and hopefully the people on the forces of civilization realize that they're fighting against the forces of nihilism and destruction and darkness...come together...who is going to need to stand firm and stand strong and stand united if it's not the United States of America?"

These are my crude notes from a portion of Fred's speech. He was talking about the future of the planet, after we get out of Iraq, which we will one day, no doubt. The thought being that, if we pull out of Iraq tomorrow, then so be it. But you've still got the nuclear powers....India, Pakistan, China, Russia...etc. Iran and North Korea both trying like mad to create and deploy nuclear weapons. Make no mistake. We are up against the forces of nihilism. Fred knows that. And he's not mincing words.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on May 07, 2007 at 10:13 PM


I'm assuming you're keeping an eye on IMAO's Daily Fred Thompson Fact?

Posted by: Alice H on May 08, 2007 at 02:53 PM

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