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April 28, 2007

We Didn't Vote For Kerry

Here's a video of Jennifer clearing trees on her Honda FourTrax 70cc 4-wheeler. We had a a brutal spring snowstorm and lost power 3 times this week, for a total outtage of about 2-3 days. A boulder fell onto our little canyon road today, completely closing the road in both directions. It's really a mess up here. It looks like a tornado hit the back of the place. I don't know how many trees we lost. Probably 10-20. I told Bud today...I was like "There's so much to do, it seems like it's a joke to even start." and he said "Well, you better get going, cause it ain't gonna clean itself up." That was just the inspiration we needed, and Jen and I got out both of the four wheelers and started hauling limbs and sticks into great burn piles down behind the barn. I haven't even started to think about getting to the trees yet. So far, just hauling away all of the green limbs and the smaller trees that the ATV can pull. The bigger stuff we'll have to either saw in place, or pull out with the weasel. It's gonna take a lot of work to clear the land up though. It looks really bad. Almost unrecognizable.

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Posted by Rob Kiser on April 28, 2007 at 08:33 PM


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