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May 24, 2006

Hillary Chokes

Hillary Rodham has wants to kill thousands of Americans by rolling back the speed limit to 55. Unfortunately, it has been widely demonstrated that people don't want this, and it will actually result in an increase in fatalities. Although the bureaucrats swore up and down that 55 "saves lives", in fact, the opposite was observed. Raising the speed limit actually reduced the traffic fatalities. The reason is that people don't drive in bunch up little clusters like sheep as much. Faster drivers move through packs of slower drivers, breaking them up into safer, disparate entities. This is the same effect observed by sheep farmers. They keep goats with sheep to keep the sheep from all huddling together and suffocating.

But, Hillary wants to tell you what to do. From cradle to grave. At least, she's beginning to show her true colors.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on May 24, 2006 at 11:36 AM


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