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March 22, 2006

Changes to mt.cfg in Movable Type

I decided to add an mt-static directory after upgrading to Apache. Reason is that, after I got my security all set up, Apache was trying to execute my styles.css cascadidng style sheet. So, I went into my mt.cfg file and changed it to point to a mt-static directory.

StaticWebPath ../mt-static/

But, for some reason, it wasn't working correctly. I made a mod to the App.pm program that forced it to work. Finally, though, I figured out that I needed to update the mt-config.cgi program instead of the mt.cfg file. Not sure why this is. But, It's working now. (UPdate: Apparently, the mt.cfg file has been replaced by the new mt-config.cgi file.)

(Continued in extended entry...)

Also, I could never figure out why I couldn't get certain HTML commands to work in the comments section. Finally figured it out thanks to this post by Tweezerman. Basically, Movable Type only allows certain html commands in the comments section by default. So, you have to add any tricky html you want to allow like the STRIKE html command, etc. Go to Configure - Settings - Default Weblog Display Settings - Limit HTML Tags, select Use My Settings and enter the tags you want to allow, for instance:

a href,b,i,br/,p,strong,em,ul,ol,li,blockquote,pre,strike,i,u,s,quote

I'm still not clear what the relationship is of the mt.cfg file, the mt-config.cgi file, and the MT screen for "Configure - Settings". I tried making changes to both the mt.cfg file GlobalSanitizeSpec parameter in both the mt.cfg and the mt-config.cgi file, but this didn't seem to make any difference. Only when I made the change to the Configure - Settings page in MT did I get any relief. Go figure. Default setting is:

a href,b,br/,p,strong,em,ul,li,blockquote

For the record, you should never get rid of the "br/,p" parameters, as getting rid of these will screw up the control characters for your line returns and screw up the world as we know it.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on March 22, 2006 at 02:21 PM


comment test

Posted by: Peenie Wallie on March 23, 2006 at 03:49 PM


Posted by: Robert R. on March 23, 2006 at 10:06 PM

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