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March 26, 2006

Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 with XP Pro SP2 32 bit

I've had a problem with Adobe Photoshope Elements 2.0 that been bugging me some, and finally bothered me enough that I solved it. The problem was that, if I righ-clicked on a .jpg file and selected "Open With", Photoshop Elements 2.0 wasn't in the list. Also, if you went further and said "Choose Program", it wasn't listed under "Recommended Programs" or "Other Programs". So, if you went further still and clicked on "Browse", found the program, and selected it, it wouldn' t work. Wouldn't add Photoshop Elements to the list. Wouldn't open the .jpg. Wouldn't do Jack.

So, finally, it bothered me enough that I uninstalled all of my adobe applications, and then reinstalled just Photoshop Elements 2.0. Still no dice. Then, I found this web site. Their solution solved my problem. The solution is to open Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0, select Edit - File Association, and check the box next to the .jpg file extension. The result is a little odd in that now, all .jpg's show the little Photoshop Elements sunflower icon, but open with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, which is what I wanted. However, with I right-click and select "open with", Photoshop Elements 2.0 is now at the top of the list. :)

Update: Now that it's working correctly, this explains how to add a border in Photoshop Elements 2.0.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on March 26, 2006 at 04:39 PM



I had exactly this same problem in Paintshop Pro, where I couldn't 'open with...' but after following what you said, it now works.

Also, by going back into Paintshop Pro and removing the checkbox to .jpeg (basically undoing what I did), I found that everything was as it was before, except this time the application stays in the list. It's a strange bug, but it works fine now.



Posted by: Paul C on April 16, 2006 at 08:24 PM

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