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February 15, 2006

Epson Perfection 2400 Scanner

I've never been overwhelmed with my Epson Perfection 2400 Scanner. It never seemed to work very well. To get it to function properly, I always had to turn the computer off and restart it, then unplug the USB cable a time or two before it started working properly. Just a major pain. Not what you'd expect from a product with the word "Perfection" in the name.

Finally, tonight, I tried to scan some documents and it wouldn't let me save them. As in, there was no "File - Save" option. You couldn't specify a file name, or file type, or anything. Just preview and scan. I had no idea what was going on, but I got so p1ssed that I uninstalled the all of the software for it and started over from scratch.

I got to Epson's website, which isn't as poorly organized as you might imagine, and found some drivers for the Epson Perfection 2400 for Windows XP.

I downloaded these files that said "TWAIN Driver and EPSON Scan Utility v2.68A", "Windows XP 64-bit Edition", "epson11572.exe - 8.4MB - posted on 08/26/05". I didn't have a clue if I was using 32 bit XP Pro or 64 bit XP pro. So, I went to this site and downloaded and executed this script, and it told me I had only 32 bit XP. :(

But, I installed the 64 bit drivers anyway. After I unstalled all of my current Epson software, I unzipped and extracted the new files to the designated folder and ran the setup.exe program. Then, it wanted me to reboot, so I rebooted. Then, XP found the scanner and got all excited, so I told it that I would point it to the correct drivers for the scanner. Logically, Epson had, in their infinite wisdom, included 3 .inf files: Es27.inf, Es32.inf, and Es34.inf. I know. I know. You're thinking 'which one is for the Epson Perfection 2400?' Get in line. As it turns out, it goes like this:

There are 3 inf files in the installation archive for the Epson 2400: es27.inf, es32.inf and es34.inf. Each inf file supports a different model scanner, the 2400, 3170 and the 4870, respectively.

So, that means the Es27.inf file is for the Epson 2400. Brilliant. So, I pointed it to the es27.inf and it works fine now. Go figure. The old Epson Scan utility was apparently hosed, as I was missing the two little arrow buttons beside the preview and scan buttons that normally allow you to specify a file name and image type, etc. It's working fine now though, go figure. Thanks Epson. Thanks for nothing.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on February 15, 2006 at 10:23 PM


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