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December 18, 2005

Kraut scientists reconstruct part of Wooly Mammoth DNA

Some German scientists have been hard at work in the lab reconstructing part of the DNA of an extinct Wooly Mammoth. Although I think this is a worthwhile endeavor, and I'm all about building a real-life Island of Dr. Moreau or Jurassic Park, it's unfortunate that the scientists really haven't caught on to the true role of RNA. The prevailing theory among scientists has been that RNA is basically a vestigial remant from early life forms before DNA appeared. Fortunately, scientists are slowly starting to realize that there's not a whole lot of unused, obsolete junk inside of a cell. It's not true that we use only 10% of our brains. It's not true that there's a bunch of obsolete organic material inside of our cells. It's not true that life can only exist on other planets that are exactly like Earth. Hopefully, scientists can try to keep these thoughts in mind as they go forward. Occam's Razor has spoken.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on December 18, 2005 at 12:56 PM


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