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December 20, 2005

Explosives disappear - a nation of cowards trembles

The fear mongers and panic peddlers are hyping a theft of plastic explosives and blasting caps. The paranoia seems to focus on the premise that, if these explosives fell into the wrong hands, they could level a building. It's just a pathetic manifestation of the rampant cult of fear that plagues this country of weak-kneed cowards. What ever happened to Churchill's(correction: FDR's) stalwart observation that "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself"?

Apparently, we now have nothing to fear, except for muslims, avian bird flu, some missing explosives, and the horsemen of the apocalypse.

Settle down, you panic stricken sheep. The plastic explosive of choice used by the terrorists is called TATP, and they mix it in bathtubs from commonly available household ingredients. So, they don't need to steal it and draw attention to themselves. If you want to whip up a batch for the wife and kids, here's the directions to make TATP.

So, Good News - Bad News, Bad News first...You will die. That much is sure. And, when the terrorists want to blow someone up, they will, and there's not a damned thing you can do about it. Good News - In a country of 280 million people, they've managed to kill less than 3,000 people so far. So statistically speaking, it's not worth you focusing your fear on. Try avian bird flu, lighting, boll weevils, snake bites, etc. We now return you to your regularly scheduled paralysis of fear.

Update: Michelle Malkin weighs in with an appropriate response. Ho-hum.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on December 20, 2005 at 08:12 AM


It was FDR who said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself". And I believe he said it in his first inauguration speech. It was probably the only sentence he ever uttered that I would agree with.

Posted by: GNOSH on December 20, 2005 at 12:16 PM

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