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November 08, 2005

Mass Murderer Sentenced to Life in Prison

The MSM idiots couldn't get a story straight to save themselves. They're so freaking sensitive that they deliberately dance around the truth. In November of last year, this Hmong immigrant from Laos trespassed onto private property and climbed into a deer stand with his rifle. He was hunting illegally on someone else's private property. He doesn't own any land. He isn't a landowner. Also, as it turns out, the Hmong don't really believe in private property. They're communists. They think that the land belongs to everyone, and they can hunt wherever they damned well please. So, when hunters showed up that had legal rights to hunt the land, the immigrant Chai Soua Vang murdered them in cold blood.

Vang was convicted of killing Robert Crotteau, his son Joey Crotteau, Denny Drew, Allan Laski, Jessica Willers and Mark Roidt. All were relatives and friends who gathered to hunt from the Crotteaus' cabin near Exeland.

The problem is that the MSM doesn't want to offend immigrants, even if they're murdering U.S. citizens in an unprovoked bloodbath. The MSM doesn't believe that trespassing is a crime and they love immigrants, so when the story broke last year, it took me nearly two weeks to piece together what had happened from the apologists in the liberal MSM.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on November 08, 2005 at 06:07 PM


just shows how bad of aiming you white people have. For him to take down that much people without a scratch. Plus, there has to be a reason for him to take them down cause to my knowledge white people dont listen to other color people at all, whether black, hispanic, asian,or whatever.Yes, maybe he was trespassing but he wasnt hunting for no human.Whites like to act first then listen later.

Posted by: Mike on August 09, 2006 at 10:48 AM

Yeah, us white people are funny that way. We tend to not shoot people for no reason. Apparently, our yellow friend here felt like murdering people in cold blood was the right thing to do. Obviously, you agree with me. Seal the borders. That's all I have to say.

Posted by: Peenie Wallie on August 11, 2006 at 06:39 PM

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