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October 15, 2005

What Runs But Can't Walk?

Conversation with my 7 year old daughter today:

"Daddy, what runs but can't walk?"


"What runs but can't walk?"

"I don't know, what?" I asked.

"A fucket." she answered.

"A what?" I asked somewhat alarmed.

"A fucket." she repeated, enunciating as clearly as possible.

So, I'm starting to get concerned. Where on Earth did she hear that? I’m pretty diligent about the language I use around her. For instance, if I say the word "stupid", she castigates me.

"See. That's the answer to the riddle, daddy. It says so right here."

Drains her fruit juice container of Koolaid, and hands me the empty container.

"Oh. Right. That word is faucet, baby. A faucet runs, but can't walk."

Big sigh of relief from dad.

"Why don't you run along and catch some grasshoppers for the gerbils?"

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on October 15, 2005 at 01:42 PM


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