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October 24, 2005

Photograph(s) of the Day

This idiot was headed North on Highway 285 today when he lost control of his rig. Now, consider this - he's driving a dumptruck the size of the space shuttle filled with asphalt, pulling a 20 foot trailer with an asphalt spreader, going down an 8% grade in the Rocky Mountains. An intelligent person might think "Hmmm. Better take it easy here...use a lower gear...use the 'Jake Break' or 'engine break'." Not this retard, though. Somehow, he got going so fast that he slid sideways, jack-knifed the trailer, flipped the truck, sent the asphalt spreader flying, and snapped the pintlehook clean off. Nice job you wreckless miscreant.

Then, when I start setting up to shoot the accident, the police are like "who are you with?" and I'm like "I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you." They're like "Don't you have some place you need to be?" And I'm like "Yep...right here. Right now."

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on October 24, 2005 at 07:42 PM


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