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August 19, 2005

Radical Jeep Hill

I went over Webster Pass last night, then up Radical Jeep Hill. Radical Jeep Hill is not all that difficult, if it's open. It's snowed in most of the year as is Webster Pass. In the summer, the snow lingers for a long time on the south side of the continental divide. The last time I tried to climb Radical Jeep hill was in the middle of July and it was buried in snow. My guess is that it opened some time in August.

Radical Jeep Hill gets a little hairy right at the top. It's steep and rocky, but only about medium difficulty. After that, I went down the Middle Fork of the Swan River. I was going to try to make Georgia Pass, but it got dark before I found the turn off to Georgia Pass. I did find a couple of guys around a campfire, too wasted to communicate. I learned of a Polaris ATV that had caterwalled down the mountain, disintegrating in the process. I'm keen to go up there and photograph it, as I'm led to believe it was a total loss. Hopefully the rider survived.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on August 19, 2005 at 11:57 AM


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