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August 21, 2005

Jennifer - Summer 2005

This slideshow is an 8 Meg self-playing executable named garden_state.exe created using Imagematics StillMotion PE Plus. The soundtrack is New Slang by The Shins from the Garden State soundtrack. Click here to download the presentation. If you have an Apple, an iMac, or some other type of computer with training wheels, click here to download the Macromedia Flash version. Click here if you need help.

New Slang Lyrics
by The Shins

Gold teeth and a curse for this town were all in my mouth.
Only, i don't know how they got out, dear.
Turn me back into the pet i was when we met.
I was happier then with no mind-set.

And if you took to me like
A gull takes to the wind.
Well, i'd 'a jumped from my tree
And i'd dance like the king of the eyesores
And the rest of our lives would 'a fared well.

New slang when you notice the stripes, the dirt in your fries.
Hope it's right when you die, old and bony.
Dawn breaks like a bull through the hall,
Never should have called
But my head's to the wall and i'm lonely.

And if you took to me like
A gull takes to the wind.
Well, i'd 'a jumped from my tree
And i'd dance like the kind of the eyesores
And the rest of our lives would 'a fared well.

God speed all the bakers at dawn may they all cut their thumbs,
And bleed into their buns 'till they melt away.

I'm looking in on the good life i might be doomed never to find.
Without a trust or flaming fields am i too dumb to refine?
And if you took to me like
Well i'd dance like the queen of the eyesores
And the rest of our lives would 'a fared well.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on August 21, 2005 at 02:49 AM


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