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July 30, 2005

The Main Stream Media barons are eating their hands

America is a nation of torpid couch maggots, writhing lethargically in Lazy Boy recliners in the dim FCC-approved glow of a fear-peddling talking head on drive-in sized plasma screen televisions. I don’t own a television. OK, my friends gave me one when they quit for Amsterdam, but there’s only one and I’m not overly compelled to bask in front of the electron beams emanating from the cathode ray picture tube.

It used to be that a few people in news rooms across the country decided what message would be injected into the American pupae. The thought consolidation that occurred was embarrassing, but predictable. Our founding fathers had warned us about licensing the media (newspapers, at the time). But we didn’t listen. We licensed the channels and the papers and the frequencies, and then the corporations bought them up, and then the corporations consolidated, leaving a few people in control of the American media.

I found out yesterday that some marine was going off to war, having a final meal with his family at a nice, expensive restaurant, and a stranger had paid for the Marine’s dinner. And left.

The Main Stream Media barons are eating their hands. To them, this is worst than 9/11. Worse than 7/7. Those attacks all made sense to the MSM and their translucent liberal puppeteers. But this…this is inexplicable. Why would a stranger pay for a meal for a soldier going into the desert? The turd-blossoms put their heads together in a moral-equivalency Sisyphean group-think séance. “Eureka. I’ve got it.� One of them blurts. “Quick. Write this down. Our lead story will be ‘Bush doesn’t pay soldiers enough to afford their own meals. Must freeload off strangers before murdering innocent terrorists in Iraq. Still no WMDs.’�

This soldier stands, teetering on the boundary between childhood and manhood, anticipating his eminent immersion into a vicious, adrenaline-crazed war in an oil-drenched stretch of desert. He’s living it up, drinking champagne, and toasting his life, his youth, his country. He’s saying goodbye to everything he’s ever known. The Rocky Mountains. Fort Carson. I-25. Friends. Family. Everything he knows in this world is going to be securely encapsulated into a section of his brain where he stores his past memories, and he’s going to be packed halfway around the planet on a hand-truck, and given machine guns and grenades to fight.

What’s he fighting for? He’s fighting for the United States. His home. His family. For the ephemeral, tenuous dream that, one day, the Muslim desert insanity will fade like the desert heat in the darkness, and he’ll be able to return home, in one piece, to the land he loves. And he’s justifiably proud. And we are proud of him. And that’s what the MSM doesn’t get. That’s why my website is getting hammered, while the viewers are fleeing the milk-toast weak-kneed liberalism bleeding from their televisions.

Posted by Peenie Wallie on July 30, 2005 at 11:53 AM


Posted by: Robert on July 30, 2005 at 12:01 PM

Great message.
Much too verbose though, brutha.

Posted by: gambino on July 30, 2005 at 8:37 PM


Maybe you server is getting hammered because it's a crappy little box.


While this random act of kindness is wonderful, it's NOT news. Cops getting cats out of trees is NOT news. Good samaritans changing tires for little old ladies is NOT news. Planes landing safely are NOT news.

Get over yourself.

Posted by: Dean Garver on July 31, 2005 at 8:16 AM

This isn't news, but some idiot strapping on a vest of TATP and detonating himself around a bunch of soldiers handing out candy is news. Right? Classic. Reap it you granola-crunching tree-hugger.

Posted by: Peenie Wallie on July 31, 2005 at 10:26 AM

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