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June 23, 2005

White Males - Are they actually gods?

When the anti-llectuals at the helm of the politically correct bandwagon gave the green light to vilify and demean the white male race with a lascivious, foaming tirade of epithets at the very people that made this country great, Fred Reed responded. He offers the following commentary on the endangered White Male, the most reviled organism to ever infect the planet.

Tell you what. I'm gonna get me about sixteen Dobermans with no judgment. Then, next time I see one of those chunky talk-show ladies with short hair blowing about what brigands white males are, and how we ought to dethrone them, I'm gonna get the Dobermans to eat her. Then I'll get their stomachs pumped, because I like dogs, and send them on a vacation to the Bahamas.

The other day I heard one of'em blathering about white males. (A chunky lady, not a Doberman.)[snip] I found myself wanting to say, "Now, listen here, Maple Syrup. You get up in the morning, maybe with the help of a forklift, and get food out of the refrigerator, which white men invented and you don't understand. (What's the compressor for? Did you know a refrigerator had a compressor?) Then you sit down to write your thoughts on a defenseless computer, which white men invented and you don't understand. (What's branch prediction on a floating-point pipeline? Name the three parts of a transistor?)

Next you to go to the studio in your car, which white men invented and you don't understand. (What are dual overhead cams? The difference between pre-ignition and detonation?) Finally you spew your wormwood and gall on television, which white men invented and you don't understand. (Where is closed-captioning encoded in an NTSC signal? I'll tell you: In the vertical-blanking interval. Now do you know?)

Hooboy, am I impressed, Sweet Potato. Yes ma'am. I sure enough see why we need to get rid of white males. How could anyone doubt it?

Read the whole article. Classic.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on June 23, 2005 at 04:28 PM


Now that I think about it, I've never seen you and Fred Reed together in the same place at the same time.

Posted by: Robert on June 23, 2005 at 07:07 PM

See also http://www.fredoneverything.net/COL1.shtml (or column #1 at http://www.fredoneverything.net/FOE_Frame_Column.htm):

Maybe I'm just a country boy at heart, and lack sophistication, and don't see things the way I should. But when I watch one of those radical-feminist women heave onto a podium, like the forehaunches of an under-nourished giraffe but with more hair on her lip, and start hollering and carrying on about what slugs and bandits men are, I start thinking of the curative powers of a shotgun full of rock salt.

I recommend a 12-gauge duck gun...

... OK, I understand that the radical feminist ladies are a few french fries short of a Happy Meal. They can't help themselves. What I can't figure is why more-or-less grown-up editors publish all this clucking and scratching as if it made sense. And I also don't understand how the rules got fixed so that a Dworkin can say anything at all about men and get away with it--but men can't say anything back.

Any loon feminist can accuse men of being rapists, killers, sadists, and Marines. These are pretty serious charges. A fellow could take exception to them. But if I say something comparatively innocuous in return, such as that I weary of being harried by a rat-pack of diesel-fired tarantulas who mostly look like Rin Tin Tin's littermates--why, they get mad. (Yes, I know, that was a three-animal zoological-automotive metaphor. Patent applied for.) ...

Posted by: Robert on July 15, 2005 at 10:06 AM

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