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May 16, 2005

Newsweek Proffers an Olive Branch

Scrappleface has a freaking hilarious article regarding Newsweek's inappropriate response to their fabricated story that sparked rioting in the Muslim world on a global scale, ultimately resulting in at least fifteen deaths and hundreds of injuries:

"If there's a bright side to this story," said Mr. Whitaker. "At least our anonymous sources are safe, unharmed. And of course, our advertisers now know that Newsweek has great credibility in the Arab world, despite the bad feelings that Muslims have about America in general."

In an effort to help in the grieving process, the magazine's publisher said that immediate family members of the dead would receive a free 90-day trial subscription to Newsweek.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on May 16, 2005 at 10:51 PM


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