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March 10, 2005

US Airways Jets Shot Again

According to U.S. Airways, two of their jets were shot by a rifle since December of last year. FBI agents said "the bullet hole could be the result of a hunting accident" and "nothing suggests the two incidents are related".

Unfortunately, the FBI doesn't know shit from shinola. When the FBI claimed that people were attempting to bring down jets with laserbeams, I immediately pointed out that they were delusional. A few days later, the FBI reluctanly admitted that the lasers were unrelated to terror.

Now, once again, they are delusional. The odds of accidentally shooting a commercial passenger jet are so remote as to be dismissed immediately. Occam's Razor, which correctly indicated that the laser beams were not the work of terrorists, in this case, indicates quite the opposite.

All signs indicate that this does appear to be the result of someone deliberately targeting commercial aircraft, although their true intent may not be to cause the jets to crash, they are, most certainly, intentionally targeting the aircraft. The desire to shoot at an object that flies overhead is inate. A compelling, primordial ambition to strike out at that which is beyond reach. My guess is that it is white, male, juveniles out hunting, that are deliberately targeting the planes because they're bored of shooting at squirrels. They're attempting see if they can hit the plane, without actually wanting to kill everyone on board. A poorly considered childish impulse. Occam's Razor has spoken. Let's see how long it takes FBI's finest to reach the same conclusion.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on March 10, 2005 at 10:01 AM


According to the FAA at
">http://www.hf.faa.gov/docs/508/docs/cami/0107.pdf (450 KB .pdf file)

Laser Pointers: Their Potential Affects on Vision and Aviation Safety

April 2001


From January 1996 to July 1999, the FAA’s Western-Pacific Region identified more
than 150 incidents in which low-flying aircraft were illuminated by lasers.
Laser pointers were used in the majority of these incidents, and there were
several occurrences of visual impairment to the pilot. Representative examples
of documented reports are presented that involved the illumination of civilian
flight crewmembers by these hand-held devices.


This works out to about one incident every two weeks.

Posted by: Robert on March 10, 2005 at 12:04 PM

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