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February 13, 2005

The Liberal Blogs: All Dressed Up, But No Place To Go

The liberal blogs (Talk Left, Kos, Atrios, et. al.) got Gannon, a whitehouse plant asking softball questions. Meanwhile, the conservative blogs got Eason Jordan, Betsy West, Josh Howard, Mary Murphy, Mary Mapes, and Dan Rather, just to name a few. While the liberal blogs are curled up under the porch, licking their wounds, the conservative blogs are dancing a jig. At best, the liberal blogs are the wallflowers at the dance.

The liberal blogs (Talk Left, Kos, Atrios, et. al.) got Gannon, a whitehouse plant asking softball questions. Meanwhile, the conservative blogs got Eason Jordan, Betsy West, Josh Howard, Mary Murphy, Mary Mapes, and Dan Rather, just to name a few. While the liberal blogs are curled up under the porch, licking their wounds, the conservative blogs are dancing a jig. At best, the liberal blogs are the wallflowers at the dance.

Why is this?

Firstly, the mindless pseudo-intellectual drivel of the left won't stand up to close scrutiny. It never has been able to. The only reason they were able to hypnotize so many people for so long was that they owned all of the networks and the newspapers, where the news was a one-way feed. A push of poorly hashed out brain burps. Socialized medicine. Sensible gun control. Environmental scare tactics based on junk science. Campaigns to eat the rich. It was all just mindless demagoguery piped in through the various liberal media channels. Their rabid bleating would never stand up to a sound, logical debate. As the "news" becomes a two-way communication in the blogosphere, where the "audience" is allowed to reply in real-time to the slanderous lies, inuendo, and half-truths of the media elite, they're reeling and tripping over themselves, stumbling backward, like cockroaches from the light. (Sorry Eason - the truth hurts.)

Secondly, the liberal blogs really don't have a very large pond to fish in. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, LA Times, New York Times, etc., are puppets of the Leftern Socialists. The only news program on television that isn't owned and operated by the pseudo-intellectual liberal sycophants is Fox. So, there's only one real news channel for the liberal blogs to target. In theory, you’ve got Bush and his regime(John Ashcroft was the only man in history to lose a U.S. senate race to a dead man), but the reality is that the liberal MSM has a choke-hold on that job, and has had since Bush Jr. waltzed into office four years ago. Because all of the other networks are embarrassingly liberal, it isn't like there are a lot of rocks that haven't already been turned over for the liberal blogosphere to exploit. Any conservative voice in America already has every news network in the country trying day and night to skin them alive. So, the liberal blogs are basically sitting on their hands, whistling idly, and dreaming up new ways to peddle the same old warmed-over ideas: reasonable gun control, shutting down the economy to save the snail darter, and socialized medicine (where does it hurt? - not how will you pay?)

So, these two issues account for the difference in scalp totals on the opposite ideological ends of the blogosphere. They wouldn't have you believe it, but that's the case.

They argue that the conservatives are just inherently more evil, better at fighting dirty, and better financed, but that's just lipstick on a bulldog. The reality is that the conservative blogs are living in a target rich environment. I mean, come on. The high priest of CNN is at a tony soiree for the media elites and, in an open forum, he accuses the U.S. military of deliberately assassinating non-combatants without a shred of evidence? Hello??!!! Responding to unadulterated idiocy such as this is a slow-pitch-softball type of journalism. This is low-hanging fruit.

Finally, the myopic MSM, always looking to paint themselves as a victim, are lashing out at the blogs. They claim that the conservative blogs are a bloodthirsty, savage, and unrepentant lot. Obviously, they still don't understand the nature of their enemy. They're desperately waging a Quixotic battle with a windmill from the back of an ass.

The blogs weren't calling for Eason Jordan's resignation. At least, not the ones I was reading. They were calling for the WEF to release the tapes of the conference. Eason Jordan and CNN never have asked for these tapes to be released. Jordan "resigned" without mentioning the tapes. Obviously, there can only be one reason for this. Because the tapes would show exactly what the pundits claimed they did. Otherwise, he could have just said "I didn't say that...please release the tapes, and I will be vindicated." Eason Jordan deliberated slandered our troops to curry favor with the 2nd world countries of Europe and the terrorists that rule the oil-drenched deserts. He was pissing on the graves of the men and women that gave their lives to make this world a better place.

So, obviously, the left is going to be fighting a rear-guard action for some time, in a futile attempt to postpone the inevitable...the MSM will have to shed their liberal bias, or the blogs will destroy them. They can do it now, adapt to the new environment of the blogosphere, and save their companies, or they can continue to fall on their swords (witness Rather, Mapes, Jordan, etc.) and their companies will be replaced by less biased ones. It's their choice.

Posted by Peenie Wallie on February 13, 2005 at 3:01 PM


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