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February 28, 2005

Photographic Composition - Rule of Thirds

One of the most widely used guidelines is the Rule of Thirds. According to the Rule of Thirds, elements placed at (or very close to) the intersection points of an imaginary 3x3 grid dividing the frame, will be more powerful and work better as gravity points.

To illustrate the use of the "Rule of Thirds', notice the difference between the image above and the image below.

With the elements placed at (or very close to) the intersection points of an imaginary 3x3 grid dividing the frame, will be more powerful and work better as gravity points.

Many thanks to Alan Jeter for the use of his artwork.
For more tips on photopgrapic composition of outdoor landscapes, check out the following online tutorials by Guy Tal:


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Posted by Peenie Wallie on February 28, 2005 at 09:46 AM


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