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February 09, 2005

Eason's Fables

Eason Jordan is a deeply stupid little hypocrite. If he truly believed the U.S. military was deliberately assassinating the press, why wouldn't he be running stories on it? This is an extremely serious accusation. To say that our military is deliberately slaughtering non-combantants, particularly if they are liberal talking heads under the employ of CNN, is a very serious accusation. If he truly believed this, then why not whip up a little MSM-style damn-the-facts investigation, forge a few documents, and have a talking head go on the air with it? The fact that this hasn't occurred is reasonable proof that even he doesn't believe his outlandish claims.

At a cozy meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Eason Jordan, the mental dwarf of CNN, indicated that American soldiers were deliberately targeting and killing journalists. That is, if you believe what Richard Sambrook of the BBC, David Gergen of Harvard, Senator Christopher Dodd, and Rony Abovitz have stated.

Eason Jordan is a deeply stupid little hypocrite. If he truly believed the U.S. military was deliberately assassinating the press, why wouldn't he be running stories on it? This is an extremely serious accusation. To say that our military is deliberately slaughtering non-combantants, particularly if they are liberal talking heads under the employ of CNN, is a very serious accusation. If he truly believed this, then why not whip up a little MSM-style damn-the-facts investigation, forge a few documents, and have a talking head go on the air with it? The fact that this hasn't occurred is reasonable proof that even he doesn't believe his outlandish claims.

So why would he make false charges? Well, lets consider his audience. The welfare states of Europe and the oil drenched desert dictators love this sort anti-American breast thumping. When you live in a country that doesn't stand for much, anti-American sentiment fills the void of patriotic zeal.

These synchophants and socialists encouraged Eason Jordan for standing up to the U.S. Military, even if it was only a whispered lie between weasels and scallywags. When David Bergen and Barney Frank called him on the carpet about his ludicrious, callous accusations, what did Eason do? He began to crawfish, squirming in his seat like a school boy. Shortly thereafter, Mark Adams of the World Economic Farce announced that the session titled "Will Democracy Survive the News?" was "off the record" and the tape won't be released. Nice. You can't make up stories any more absurd than this. Send Mark Adams an email and let him know your thoughts. His email address is Mark.Adams@WEForum.org.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on February 09, 2005 at 11:40 AM


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