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July 01, 2004

American Patriots

Congratulations to Marvin Heemeyer, a true American patriot. The bureaucrats don't believe in a free society. They want to keep pushing people around, as though they are immune to any repercussions. They're above the laws they create, and treat the citizens like serfs. Well, they don't have Marvin Heemeyer of Granby, Colorado to push around any more. May he rest in peace.

And while we're on the subject, let's all raise a toast to Thomas Leask, of Alma, Colorado. Back in 1998, the town of Alma , Colorado decided that they were going to hook Thomas Leask up to the city water supply. But he didn't want to be hooked up to the city water. After battling the town government for some time, they forcibly connected him to the town's water supply. So Leask stole a military suprplus front-end loader and rammed into the water treatment plant, Alma town hall, the post office, and the fire station.

"I plead guilty to all of it,'' Thomas Leask, 50, said in court.

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Posted by Peenie Wallie on July 01, 2004 at 05:27 AM


you stupid ****, Tom Leask was a cold blooded murderer

Posted by: smithy on October 29, 2006 at 10:29 AM

As were our founding fathers. Patriots or revolutionaries? Who decides? The victors write the history books. My point with Tom Leask is that he did not want to be hooked up to city water, but they hooked him up anyway. The bureaucrats keep pushing people around and they like to think that they're acting in a vacuum, and that there are no repercussions for their actions. Tom Leask changed that. All they had to do was leave him alone, but they didn't. And for that, they payed the price. I learned a long time ago not to pick fights with people that have nothing to lose. The bureaucrats would be wise to do the same?

Posted by: Peenie Wallie on October 29, 2006 at 07:40 PM

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